Enlarged School Photo
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3rd Year Juniors 1967 (Mrs Bidgood)
Enlarged School Photo

School Photo


.  Karen Lelliott 

.  Janet Taylor 

.  Robert Torz 

.  Andrew Collar 

.  Barry Machin 

24.  Helene Vancliff 

32.  Josephine Bunker 

33.  Janice Spooner 

34.  Jacqueline Shepherd 

Barry Machin is seated front row right between Andrew Collar & Robert Torz. Janet taylor is middle of middle row between Karen Lelliott & Helene Vancliff.
With thanks to Andy Spiller:

Amendment thanks to: Deborah Edwards, Helene Vancliff

Any names displayed are only as accurate as information sent in.
No guarantee is given of the veracity of any facts shown