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Pic Ref: scrap037

1963 - Isle of Wight Camp
Scrapbook Picture

Scrapbook Picture

.  Rosalind Curtis 

.  Pamela Etheridge 

.  Linda Fardell 

.  Iris Gibbs 

.  Anthea Hay 

.  Alison Thompson 

.  Rosalyn Ward 

From Linda Fardell:
It was a 3rd or 4th year camp, so 1963 or '64, at the Isle of Wight.
Standing, one in from the left is Pamela Etheridge; I (Linda Fardell) am sitting on the right and next to me is Alison Thompson. I'm afraid I don't even remember the name of the teacher!

Joan Hay tells us:
The teacher is Rosalind Curtis who joined the staff in 1960. I was also at the camp (I think it was 1963) as a group leader as I was a teacher once (for a year) and am a friend of Rosalind's.

Iris Gibbs tells us:
I am standing forth from the left at the back and sitting at the front left hand side is Susan Abbott. I can remember that one girl was so homesick, her parents had to come and collect her. I think it might have been Pamela Etheridge.

and from Jane Foineau/Oakley:
the girl on the extreme left in the back row is Rosalyn Ward.
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